As a mom of two and a business that specializes in nursery décor, it has crossed my mind more than a dozen times why we have this urge to make the nursery into a dreamland – one we can afford.

With my first pregnancy, 4 years ago, I was stingy and only did the bare minimum to make it look like a baby was on its way. I couldn’t see the reason to spend so much on a room “I am going to change in any way”, or “it is not like the baby is going to appreciate it.” Little did I know that was exactly the point! The room wasn’t for my baby girl, it was for me.

Four weeks after giving birth to an angel, she was diagnosed with cholic. It was hell. I spent hours sitting on the floor rocking her because I didn’t buy that baby chair. I literally climbed in her cot with her (yes we have an extra-large one that converts to a single bed) and held her more times than I could count because the floor was hard and my back needed a break. I didn’t have all the fancy-schmancy gadgets and things because I couldn’t see the need to spend so much…

Fast forward two years and a couple of months we fell pregnant with baby number two. I was excited! I was wiser and I realized That baby room is for ME! I am going to be spending hours upon hours in that room. I need to make it beautiful, comfortable, and easy on myself. Motherhood is hard enough.

Did I overspend? Nope. Did I go crazy? Nope. I bought a 2nd hand rocking chair that was comfortable enough for me to sleep in off Facebook Marketplace. Paid half the price of a new one but I got it. I made the room look beautiful so I, yes, I enjoy being in there. I bought the shelf organizers and I bought the bottle warmer. I still bargain hunted and bought bundles of newborn clothes off Destahalize and was thankful for all the free baby stuff I got…

So here I am, running a business that specializes in nursery décor, at prices that I am willing to pay (have I mentioned I’m a stingy one😊😉). Yes, some of the items available are not must-haves but here is a list that helped ME as a Mom to raise 2 kids and run a business and not lose my mind!

The real reason to decorate the nursery the way you want is: that the first year may not feel like a year. It might feel like a lifetime. Make it pretty.

Please note that these are merely suggestions and everyone differs, so ask as many people as you can what they found most helpful… O, and do remember: the shops will still be open after the birth as well. What you didn’t buy before the arrival of your bundle you can buy afterward…

1) Rocking chair/feeding chair
2) Bottle warmer
3) Baby nest (used mine as co-sleep and ALOT in the pram)
4) Baby Bath Chair
5) Mittens and slip-on shoes or lots of socks
6) Snookems dummies for newborns
7) X-Gel (cleans the mouth and helps the baby to suck dummy and calms them down)
8) Baby Vac (yes the thing you put on the vacuum and suck all the snot out – no you can’t suck their brains out😜)
9) A great pediatrician that you can WhatsApp (did you know you can ask for a specific pediatrician to be in the delivery room, you don’t have to take what you get. So do your research and request them)
10) a Post-partum support belt! That thing reduced my pain so much and I’m sure helped my belly get back to normal size.
11) Coffee mug that keeps your coffee warm
12) BonnyCare – natural cramp remedy
13) Antipeol for burnt bums when the teeth come (over the counter)
14) Frozen clothes when they are Teething
15) Invest in a proper nappy bag. It goes everywhere and can save you a lot of frustration.
16) Extra pair of clothes for mommy in the nappy bag, always…
17) Go to the mommy and me classes – you need to get out (after COVID).
18) Proper stroller with BIG wheels. You’ll thank me later.
19) Snacks. Lots and lots of quick on-the-go snacks for mom. Especially in the beginning…
20) Spoil yourself every now and again with pretty clothes or something!

Lastly – your “life” as you knew it, will be yours again someday. But it will all be a little different. The pants will sit a little differently. The situations you will find yourself in will be a little different. Crying will happen. A lot of it. But you are strong and you will survive.

Make it pretty. It’s much more comfortable crying in a rocking chair than on the floor.


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